After the last Ten Tors training trip to Dartmoor, my waterproofs were completely covered in mud (something to do with trying push James’s minibus out of a sodden field – but that’s all I’m prepared to say!). I duly sponged my waterproofs down but, frankly, they still looked an absolute mess. Moira suggested that I put them in the washing machine. “No,” I said with conviction, “it’ll ruin the waterproofing”.
Moira was clearly not prepared to take such powerful evidence at face value and decided to google “can you wash waterproof gear?”
She was directed to the “GearGuy” website where Miriam of Idaho had asked the same question of her boyfriend (and had been given the same response as mine). Moira was delighted to point out GearGuy’s reply: “Dear Miriam. Your boyfriend is a silly goose…. Of course you can wash waterproof gear… and keeping your gear clean will greatly prolong its life and reduce the risk of a fatal attack of mildew. Keep your gear clean! It’s happier, you’re happier, everyone is happier”.
As you can imagine, this now includes Moira (who still has a somewhat superior smirk on her face)!
Moira was clearly not prepared to take such powerful evidence at face value and decided to google “can you wash waterproof gear?”
She was directed to the “GearGuy” website where Miriam of Idaho had asked the same question of her boyfriend (and had been given the same response as mine). Moira was delighted to point out GearGuy’s reply: “Dear Miriam. Your boyfriend is a silly goose…. Of course you can wash waterproof gear… and keeping your gear clean will greatly prolong its life and reduce the risk of a fatal attack of mildew. Keep your gear clean! It’s happier, you’re happier, everyone is happier”.
As you can imagine, this now includes Moira (who still has a somewhat superior smirk on her face)!
hahahahahahahahahaha! i love you both! xxx
I have some great washing in stuff that out the waterproofing back into waterproofs. You can get it in blacks. Keeps it clean and even more waterproof (if that is possible?)...
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