Yesterday, the LibDems’ candidate, Sarah Green, won the Chesham+Amersham by-election by a staggering 8,000 votes (overturning a majority of 16,000 at the last election). The Greens were third, behind the Tories, and the Labour Party a disastrous fourth with a paltry 622 votes.
I know Chesham and Amersham from my days when I lived and worked in Buckinghamshire/Oxfordshire. It was seen as a Tory political stronghold… a seat that would ‘always be Tory’.
Despite their frequently appalling mismanagement of the Covid crisis, the UK government is still riding high in the opinion polls. At a time when the Opposition should be ‘making hay’ against a weak Tory government, its message to the electorate is frequently muddled and incoherent. Frankly, as a non-Tory voter, I despair at the prospect of yet another Conservative government (eleven consecutive years and still counting) but, as things stand, that’s what will happen.
Sadly, our political system does not work. Democracy is something of a farce. As things stand, given our ridiculous first-past-the-post electoral process (and where I happen to live), my vote doesn’t count. And, of course, any Party in power certainly won’t want to change a system that ‘works for them’!
Something HAS to change.
As an important, tangent demonstration of this intent, Kier Starmer should IMMEDIATELY re-model his entire Shadow Cabinet – to incorporate MPs from the LibDems, Greens, SNPs, Plaid Cymru etc alongside Labour members.
But, hey, what do I know?
Photo: image from SkyNews.