Tuesday, October 31, 2006

who do you think you are?

I have to admit that I’ve been fascinated by the TV series and it’s encouraged me do a little delving into my own family background. Rather like Jeremy Irons telling everyone he had an instinct that he was Irish, my brother and I both feel “drawn” to the sea (probably direct descendants of Lord Nelson?). Imagine my joy when the 1851 Census described my great, great, great grandmother as a “mariner’s wife” (her husband obviously being away at sea at the time of the census)! Unfortunately, I’d got my lines of communication crossed and had misread one of the links – in reality, the nearest we’d got to the sea seems to have been Banbury! As things stand, I’ve only been able to get back to Robert Broadway, born in 1791, and it seems that I come from a line of either brass workers or cabinet makers – probably ended up specialising in coffins?

PS (golf blog dated 26/10/06 refers): I didn’t wait 3 months before playing golf again! Played with long-time great mate Pete and his son Jason in Oxford yesterday (Dad lost on the final hole after hitting his ball into the water twice – something Jason found very funny and Pete didn’t!). I will definitely wait another 3 months before playing again….

Sunday, October 29, 2006

remember, remember the whole of november (not forgetting october, december and the new year)

Just thought you might like to know that, at precisely 5.50am (yes 5.50am) and again at 5.52am this morning, someone decided to let off a couple of rockets here in trendy Southville, Bristol. Never let it be said that we don’t know how to enjoy ourselves in the West Country.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

cream teas and other health foods

Lovely couple of days in Devon with friends Mags+Jez (and meeting up with Gail+Ian+Sid+Rachel). Seemed to spend quite a lot of the time eating, drinking and laughing - plus the odd rural walk and beach trip. My only disappointment: I'd decided to get up at dawn and climb the hill to the church to photograph the sun coming up over the horizon. Problem: absolutely no sun (all day!). However, brunch at the Pig Finca Cafe in Kingsbridge is to be highly recommended (see photo). There's definitely something to be said for lazy weekends (well, ok in our case, Friday and Saturday)!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

did golf opponents take bungs?

If you don’t play golf yourself, this won’t make any sense at all, so don’t bother to read on! I played today in Wiltshire with great friends Ken+Steve+Des (accompanying photograph of K+S taken on a golf tour of Scotland in 2003 – yes, we’re that sad!). I hadn’t played for nearly 3 months so made my apologies in advance for my rustiness – I had visions of spending the entire round looking for my ball in the rough/hacking out of trees and such like (if you don’t play golf but have bothered to read on, then I must stress that golf is a game of “feel” and “timing” and, for this you need to play regularly). In the event, I had a really good round – with perhaps only 5 or 6 poor shots all day – much to my embarrassment and my golfing partner’s pleasure, as we beat our gracious opponents with some 7 holes still to go! Clearly, I’ve now found the magic formula for golfing success and will wait another 3 months before playing again (but don't bank on it).

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

how (not) to speak of god

I’ve been reading a fascinating book called “How (Not) to Speak of God” by Peter Rollins. It’s written from the perspective of the “emerging church” movement and has certainly challenged some of my own thinking – especially as I’ve been asked to prepare a talk at the Alpha Course at St Aldhelm’s Church on the subject of “Why and How Should We Tell Others?” (about our Christian faith). Take this, for example: “For too long the Church has been seen as an oasis in the desert – offering water to those who are thirsty. In contrast, the emerging community appears more as a desert in the oasis of life, offering silence, space and desolation amidst the sickly nourishment of Western capitalism. It is in this desert, as we wander together as nomads, that God is to be found. For it is here that we are nourished by our hunger”.

Friday, October 20, 2006

I promise I'm not going to use this blog as a family photo album, but....

Moira and I are just getting used to our new status as grandparents - and we do rather like it! Somewhat concerned at suggestions that, on the subject of "what do you want to be called?" (granddad? grandpa? gramps?), a certain unnamed daughter (but she knows who she is!) came up with the idea of "grumpy"! What's all that about then? This picture of Ruth with daughter Iris (born on 4 September) was taken a week or so back. I promise this will be the last family photograph for a little while (honest)!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

welcome mikey!

Just received this photograph from Alice+Dave: Mikey has duly arrived and, by the look on his face, seems to be settling in pretty well!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

the times they are a-changin

Half-term in two days' time (and not a moment too soon!) and an opportunity to chill out with my lovely brother in Brum; see our equally lovely friends in Devon; play the odd game of golf (literally - as I've only played four times in the last year!); and, hopefully, spend some time with new granddaughter Iris. Exciting times for our youngest daughter too - Alice and Dave are adopting a Downs Syndrome baby, Mikey, and finally "take possession" tomorrow!

first entry

This is new stuff for me and I'm really just going to post this to announce (to myself!) that I'm up and running.