Sunday, June 28, 2009

water music

Moira+I went to the harbourside yesterday afternoon to listen to a very impressive free concert in the Lloyds Amphitheatre space, raising funds for Water Aid. Apparently, this was the first time the space had ever been used for unamplified performance and it really enjoyable. There were over 500 singers from all over the West Country, included our lovely friend Gareth, and some of the music was just beautiful – particularly, for me, a piece from Georgia (as in formerly part of the Soviet Union). The sun shone, the singers wore blue+green (water colours?) and looked great and the music was captivating.
Not a bad afternoon!
Photo: the massed choir (and conductors) in the amphitheatre space…. although the image doesn’t do it justice.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed it. It was pretty inspiring singing with that many people but lacked the immediacy of a smaller choir. I heard little of anyone except the sopranos. However I'm glad it sounded good from where you were. Tsmidao Gmerto was my favourite too.
