Saturday, July 04, 2009


I’ve just been crying in the bath.
I was listening to this morning’s edition of “Saturday Live” on Radio4. Fi Glover was interviewing Anne Crosby about her son Matthew, who was born in London in 1964 with Down’s Syndrome. Crosby talked eloquently about her feelings, about the consultant’s stark reference to Matthew as being a “throwaway child”, about her regrets at putting Matthew in the “monstrous” Normansfield Hospital when he was three and removing him less than two years later and about their life together. Anne Crosby written about her son (who died when he was 25) in this book, but you can listen to the interview by clicking here (it’s about 18 minutes into the programme).
It all provided an enormous contrast with the life of our own grandson Mikey. I know that Alice+Dave are devoted to him and, although it’s clearly very tough at times, I know just how much joy+happiness Mikey brings to them, to us and to all those touched by his life.
Photo: Mikey!

1 comment:

  1. I will give that programme a listen, thank you so much. Mikey is amazing isn't he? Life would be less rich and beautiful without him in the world. Bit quieter too.

    Love you my brilliant Pa. xxx
