Saturday, June 27, 2009

twenty20 cricket again

My twenty20 cricket status has gone from “virgin” to “old hand” in less than a week!
A group of us from school (Andy M, Becky, Emma, Helen, Will, Andy W – plus his son and his mate and his two sons) went along to the County Ground in Bristol. This time it was for the Gloucestershire v Somerset local derby. Very close game which was won by Somerset in the final over. Amazingly, it had rained (quite hard) all day at school so I didn’t have high hopes of the game going ahead, but we arrived at the ground in bright sunshine and this continued throughout the game. Ironically (perhaps because the ground was packed?), there wasn’t quite so much banter as last time – but it was still a really enjoyable evening, with some 350 runs scored in 3 hours. We even had a streaker (male…. and, no, it wasn’t me!). I heard Helen announce that she really hadn’t a clue about cricket at the start of the game but, after three pints, she’d become quite knowledgeable!
Photo (and apologies for cutting off Becky’s head!): Emma, Andy M, Helen, Will, Andy W’s son and Becky in deep concentration during the game.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh it looks like a great evening. As a write this Dan is trying to cuddle the laptop screen. Don't tell Dave, but does that mean he wants to be a cricket boy?!
