Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Janelle, Krystof, Joshua, Adam+I went to the beautiful island of Staffa yesterday (just a 45 minute boat ride away). I’d been there five years ago, but had failed to see any puffins – they’d apparently left the week before! The weather was fine and the sea somewhat choppy (but invigorating!) and, this time, we were indeed fortunate enough to see puffins. They’re amazing birds – very quick through the air but also comparatively docile when on land and, at times, being prepared to settle only a matter of a few metres away from people. I managed to take some photographs – but some of my best opportunities were dashed when my zoom lens temporarily jammed! Hey ho! If I’d have be braver (ie. if I wasn’t scared of heights!), I might have ventured closer to cliff edges (see above photograph of Adam, for example!) and been able to capture more images.
Given time restraints on the island, we decided to focus on trying to find puffins and, although the others quickly ventured into Fingal’s cave (I’d been in last time), I spent the remainder of my time on the island being mesmerized by the wonderful rock formations.
On the boat, we also saw seals AND a dolphin (which suddenly leapt out of the water right next to the boat and then disappeared, never to be seen again – by us at least!)… but I don’t think anyone (on a boat FILLED with people with very expensive cameras) managed to take a picture.
A brilliant morning. If you ever get a chance to visit Staffa, this is a MUST-do!
Photo: Adam getting up close to puffins.


  1. Anonymous10:59 am

    What a lovely adventure. Always wanted to see some real puffins. Sounds great.
    love Stu Ru n co.

  2. I'm glad this visit was more succesful than the last. They're such cute looking birds. I can't believe they're real.
