Monday, May 21, 2012

abbey music

The Abbey is a very atmospheric place and a wonderful setting for music (for me, especially when played on the piano). I’ll no doubt write about the Community’s current wonderful resident musician, Mo (from Germany), on another occasion but sometimes guests contribute to Abbey services too. As you can imagine, the quality of the guest pianists can be a little variable! However, in the past week, we have been treated to some sublime music from professional concert organists/pianists (Willeke and Arno from Holland) – featuring works by Bach, Chopin and Mozart. As a final offering, they had written a special piece of music for one of the other guests (Ann, a church minister from Michigan) which an ad-hoc choir performed at the short “farewell service” on Friday morning.
Utterly beautiful and completely captivating.
Photo: grand piano in the Abbey (north gallery/music loft).

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