Monday, September 14, 2009

the way we were

Gail+Ian+Moira+I were talking over supper on Saturday. Ian asked me about some music that had been playing and I made an apologetic admission that one of the tracks was from Sarah Brightman. Ian’s response was that he was currently into Barbra Streisand! This prompted me to remember Streisand’s “The Way We Were” – a song that my mother had chosen for her funeral (ten years ago last month). I hadn’t heard it for ages so, thanks to the wonders of Spotify, I played it over and over again before breakfast yesterday.
It reminded me that lot has happened over the last ten years…. Ruth, Hannah+Alice have all got married and, of course, Mikey, Iris, Dan and Rosa are now on the scene.
My mother would have been quite pleased.
Photo: Mary with Hannah (taken about 1982?)

1 comment:

  1. I'm having a little monday morning cry now! She would have been very pleased. Love you xxx
