Sunday, September 20, 2009


It was great to see Steve+Bev again yesterday. Sobering thought to realise that Steve+I started our architectural course together at Oxford just 42 years ago… and, of course, neither of us have changed one iota! Like Moira+I, Steve+Bev met at Uni and the rest, as they say, is history. They visited us in Bristol about three years ago but, ridiculously, this was the first time we’d been back to Newnham-on-Severn since we moved to Bristol in 2003. Anyway, we had a lovely time – eating, drinking, laughing and chatting outside on a beautifully mild September day and then walking beside the river and through the village.
We definitely won’t leave it another three years before getting together again!
Photo: Bev+Steve in Newnham (note: Moira was in the original photograph, but had her eyes closed!)

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