Tuesday, September 22, 2009

peace one day

Yesterday was Peace One Day. I’d never even heard of it up until a fortnight ago.
The idea was launched by one man, Jeremy Gilley, in 1999.
He set out to find a starting point for peace. He had a mission: to document his efforts to establish the first ever annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence with a fixed calendar date. Remarkably, two years on, he achieved his primary objective when the 192 member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted 21 September as an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence on the UN International Day of Peace.
At school, great friend Tom wanted to put on an Assembly for the entire school about Peace One Day and was duly given permission to do so by the powers-that-be (due to various logistic problems, this all happened last week and, ironically, I didn’t get to see/hear it - I was “required” elsewhere!) but, by all accounts, it provided a beautifully simple message to all those attending. He also asked pupils if they might be interested in producing some simple windmills to mark the day. He’d expected a pretty limited response but, in the event, was presented with getting on for 400 windmills! These were duly displayed at the front of the school and provided a powerful reminder to pupils, teachers and the local neighbourhood of the futility of war.
I think you should watch this short film from the website.
Photo: some of the peace one day windmills “planted” at our school yesterday morning.

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