Monday, September 28, 2009

duke of edinburgh award training

There are lots of schools around the country that participate in the DoE Award scheme, but there can’t be many (if any?) that would be able to match our school’s record of last weekend. Over 130 Year 10 pupils (virtually half of the entire year!) took part in DoE Bronze Award training with an amazing 39 members of staff involved (all unpaid volunteers) in a two-day trek over the beautiful countryside around Wells and Glastonbury. Not quite sure how she did it, but the entire weekend was master-minded by the irrepressible Carol.
A wonderful, if very full, weekend – with the only downside being that we all had to be back at school on Monday morning!
Photo: climbing barrow hill on the final leg of day one.

1 comment:

  1. wow - what an undertaking! What a great thing for a good school atmosphere. xxx
