Wednesday, July 08, 2009

sports day at bath university

This year, the school experimented by holding its Sports Day at the Bath University Training Village for the first time. Just transporting the pupils to the facilities was a major challenge in itself (involving 10 bus loads of students and teachers). It proved to be a very good day for the students taking part (and it didn't rain!) – a wonderful opportunity to use world-class facilities. Our House is notorious for finishing last in this event over recent years and I had very high hopes that we might be able claw ourselves up from the bottom of the ladder…. but no, even though we started the day in second place, we ended finishing last again! We didn’t even get any points for being the best prepared House in terms of completed teamsheets+consent forms! Although I fully accept that the day represented a rare chance for pupils to experience such high-quality amenities, I was also saddened that the day was only experienced by less than half of the pupils at our school. Indeed, I’d previously written to the Headteacher and Head of the Sports Faculty to express my reservations – the day used to be for the entire school community (now it was the minority – with the non-participating pupils and the bulk of teachers remaining in school). I also felt sorry for those students for whom sports day represented the “one time” when they can excel and show off their talents in front of their teachers and peers.
In the event, only one of the school’s senior management team turned up to participate…. no surprises there then!
PS: You might recall that I moaned about last year’s sports day too (click here)!
Photo: Isabelle, Maria, Juliet, Dan and Kate (race officials!).

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