Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I saw my first “live” game of twenty20 cricket yesterday evening at the County Ground, Bristol. Good friends Pat, Becky, Will and I went along to see Gloucestershire play Warwickshire - Becky,Will+I all hailing from this famous county, you understand! It proved to be a really enjoyable evening (and the Warwickshire Bears won too!). The quality of cricket, especially the fielding, was excellent and England batsman Ian Bell was quite brilliant. It’s a very fast-moving game and it was all over in just a little less than three hours, with nearly 300 runs scored. The huge bonus, however, was the wonderful light-hearted banter between spectators. Once the Gloucestershire supporters sitting around us realised that we were supporting the Bears, the game took on entirely different character! At the end of the game, there were lots of handshakes and smiles - and vague promises to meet up again next year. I actually feel we’ll be back again this season as token Gloucestershire supporters to enjoy the fun all over again!
Very, very amusing and a great evening.
PS: Think my brother Alan+I need to get together at a twenty20 game some time – I’m sure we’d have a lovely time!
PPS: During the course, Becky ran off to get Ian Bell’s autograph at the end of his innings; she returned a few minutes later looking a little forelorn. “Well, did you get it?” we asked…. “no” she replied, “I didn’t have a pen”. Genius!

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