Monday, June 22, 2009

gerry+merry carol

A small group of us has been meeting every Thursday, over the past sixteen months or so, to share meals (and red wine!) together and to discuss various books and experiences related to our common faith. To date, our group has consisted of only six people (apart from various visiting friends and family members) – Alan, Gareth, Gerry and Merry Carol plus Moira+me. We decided to call the group “Ithaca” after Moira came across a poem by Constantine P Cavafy which seemed to have strong references for our own individual spiritual journeys. The group has become an important part of our lives.
Sadly, today has seen the departure of Gerry+Merry Carol – back to Vancouver, Canada (Gerry is Canadian and MC is from USA). Although we always knew that G+MC would depart these shores once Gerry approached the end of his Doctorate, the time has arrived all too quickly and we’re going to miss them both enormously.
Lovely, lovely people.
Photo: Gareth, Gerry, Merry Carol, Moira and Alan at our last Ithaca get-together last Thursday.


  1. How come I'm the only one with a glass in hand?

  2. couldn't possibly comment....
