Saturday, May 16, 2009

grow zones

This morning Bruce, Sara, Chris, Bobbie, Elaine and Alan from Earth Abbey’s brilliant grow zone project (see previous blog) came round to help transform our garden. Our garden is tiny – just 5x5m. Despite its size, we wanted to grow some of our own food, as well as continuing to enjoy the space for eating, drinking and relaxing and to maintain some of the flowers and shrubs. So, something of a challenge then!
Amazingly, in less than 3 hours, the garden was transformed.
Following an earlier consultation with Bruce (one of the permaculture gurus on the team!), we’ve now erected three lengths of guttering, one above another on the kitchen wall - for growing lettuces, strawberries and the like; we’ve pulled up some paving (and re-used it to build a low wall) and formed a raised bed along the northern boundary wall/fence (Moira has subsequently planted this with chard, courgettes, tomatoes, peas and shallots); we’ve cut down a dominating pyrocantha bush (the shredded remnants will shortly be dug into the soil of what will become another vegetable bed on the south side of the garden); and finally, thanks to Chris, we’ve installed a water butt within the lightwell at the back of our basement (Moira now just wants it to rain so she can see it work!). We even found time to stop for coffee and doughnuts during a brief rain shower!
When we’d finished, we sat down and shared a simple lunch together. It might surprise you to know that I’m not fond of gardening, but even I’ve really enjoyed these grow zone mornings. They’ve been quite eye-opening to see what can be achieved in a short space of time by just a few committed people working, laughing and sharing knowledge together.
A wonderful time with lovely, generous friends.
Photo (taken through the window of Moira’s office): Elaine, Alan, Sara and Chris finishing off the new raised bed area.

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