Sunday, May 17, 2009

bluebells, blue and the blues

I’ve been feeling pretty low this weekend after a difficult day at school on Friday. There are times when I just feel like packing it in and retiring and there are other times when I absolutely love my job. In the end, finances dictate that I need to carry on for perhaps another couple of years(?). This morning I could hear the rain falling and suddenly decided that what I needed was a walk through Leigh Woods in the rain! So, dressed in my waterproofs and with my i-pod duly plugged in, I set off on a slow ample through the woods. Ironically, by the time I started my walk, the rain had actually stopped (when you WANT it to rain, it doesn’t!). I thought I’d see lots of bluebells, but those that I did see were looking pretty forlorn after the recent rain.
Thankfully, I found the perfect music to listen to on my walk – a long list of Joni Mitchell songs, including her “Blue” album. It didn’t exactly lift my spirits, but it was good to hear those beautiful, familiar songs once again.
Photo: reeds in the woods (yes, I realise these aren’t bluebells – but those I saw weren’t worth photographing).


  1. Anonymous7:18 am

    and may is supposed to be our mutual favourite month! are the 'blues' just from a lack of sun? certainly lesley & i enjoyed 2 days away in north wales - but shame we didn't see much of the snowdon range through the grey low cloud. did however do a lovely 9 mile walk around llanddwyn bay/island on the southwest side of anglesey (& marvelled at the ability of builders of caernarfon castle in the 1280's & the civil engineering skills of thomas telford in the 1820's in constructing the welsh section of the london-holyhead road - including the menai suspension bridge across the strait).

    talking woods & bluebells, yeserday (between rain) took lesley/eleanor/megan to 'see' mom & dad at the woods on the lickey hills where their ashes are scattered. the bluebells are nearing their end but still provided that lovely blue carpet. however, woods don't really do it for me; can find them dark & dank. give me a light & open view...from a hill or on a deserted coastline anyday.

    keep on trucking...sunny/smiley days can only just be around the corner. with love xxx

  2. Aw Steve. I'm sorry you've been feeling low. I find it just happens from time to time. I'm glad the walk and the music helped.
