Tuesday, September 02, 2008

morning in bath

Spent my last morning of the school holidays in Bath with Moira+Iris. Decided to take the train and enjoyed pottering around the city. By chance, we came across a small art exhibition in the wonderful Walcot Chapel (in Walcot Street). The artist (and I’m sorry I don’t remember his name!) told us that he’d rented the space for just a week. Well worth a look if you’re in the vicinity.
We intended to get the 1pm return train to Bristol, but arrived on the platform only to discover that the train was running some 40 minutes late. As we had Iris with us, we decided to get some food from the café on the platform while we were waiting. To our amazement, the café was shut and the following sign displayed on the door (without a hint of irony!): “closed for lunch – back in an hour”!!
Surely, someone seems to have missed the point?

1 comment:

  1. Walcot Street Mortuary Chapel. Found this link: http://sites.a-n.co.uk/interface/whatson/single/443768/1
