Monday, September 01, 2008

former golfer returns

I drove up to Oxford early this morning to play golf (for only the fourth time in two years – quite outrageous when I think that I used to play every week!) with great mates Pete, Ken and Steve. Despite foreboding weather forecasts, we played under sunshine and blue skies! Perhaps it’s been summer everywhere except for Bristol? Not too surprisingly after playing so little, my “game” wasn’t exactly top notch but, fortunately, my partner (Ken) was in good form and we won with two holes to spare.
Strangely, I can’t actually remember being on the losing side in these “team games” over the last few years. Clearly, I see myself as one of those exceptional team players who is able to bring out the very best in other squad members.
On this basis, I’m absolutely gutted not to have been named in the Ryder Cup team announced yesterday.
Photo: Pete, Ken+Steve before today’s round (since when did we all have grey hair?).


  1. oh I'm so pleased you had a great time! xxx

  2. Sounds like you needed that drink last night. Wasn't it a brilliant evening and a shame it was the last in the series - or was it? I wonder whether we could carry on, albeit less frequently? Say the first Monday/Tuesday of each month, in the same pub, so that people know where and when to find us. Perhaps we could talk about it on Thursday.
    PS It's only Day 2 but I'm loving the Scattered & Gathered (or was it Gathered & Scattered?)

  3. What a team! Boy do I miss Friday afternoons at Studley! XO
