Saturday, August 02, 2008

ole gunnar solskjaer

As some of you will know, I don’t have a particularly high regard for many of today’s football “stars”. Some of them seem to be little more than greedy yobs. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, however, is in a different league.
Later today, Manchester United play Espanyol in a friendly game of no apparent consequence. It will attract over 60,000 fans. It is a testimonial game for Solskjaer, who retired last year due to a knee injury. It will probably raise £2million for him. I can almost hear you say: “It’s alright for some”!
But this man is different. Not only will he be giving all of the money raised to help build 10 schools in Africa with Unicef (Angola, Uganda and Mozambique), but he’s also vowed to make up any shortfall himself! “I went to Angola a few months ago and you could see clearly how much things were needed down there” he said. “It is about changing lives, helping kids get out of the poverty they are in and helping them to become doctors or teachers and able to improve their own communities”.
How amazing. How humbling.

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