Friday, August 01, 2008

man on wire

Went to the Watershed with Gareth this afternoon to see this amazing film (it’s only £3.50 if the film starts before 4pm!). It tells, in documentary format, the story of Philippe Petit’s tightrope walk between the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in August 1974 (as someone who is pretty petrified if he so much as looks out of a third floor window, you will no doubt appreciate this blogger’s bravery in just turning up to watch the film in the first place!).
It’s a wonderfully beautiful, joyous and poetic film which is both funny and poignant (when it showed at New York’s Tribecca festival a few weeks ago, audience members were moved to tears – which I can absolutely understand). The audience at the Watershed certainly seemed to enjoy it too!
I absolutely loved the film and would urge you to see it too.
PS: see this review from the BBC’s “Culture Show” blog.

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