Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today (and tomorrow) I’m on strike!
It’s the first time I’ve ever been on strike and, in my 60th year, it feels rather strange! The strike is supported by work colleagues but, as it only involves six or seven of us, there was very little point in forming a picket line at school. Instead, on a beautifully sunny morning, I cycled 4 miles beside the Avon to Pill and then returned to have coffee at the Lockside on Cumberland Basin, before biking it to the harbourside, venturing into Fopp (without purchasing anything!) and then up the hill to the Royal Academy of the West of England to see a photography exhibition (but didn’t get in because I hadn’t got the £4 entrance fee!).
Photo: track near Pill
PS: I was not amused to learn that someone at school has agreed to do some of my work today (so much for solidarity!).
PPS: I saw Gareth (who is also on strike) on her way to the demonstration on College Green… I’m afraid I allowed her to be my representative (cop out)!


  1. You did not miss much. A few rallying speeches and the singing of Solidarity Forever ('Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite / Who would lash us into serfdom and would crush you with his might? / Is there anything left for us but to organise and fight? / For the union makes us strong.') to the tune of John Brown's Body. Rousing stuff! Still it was a lovely sunny day and we had coffee and cake in Woodes when it was all over.

  2. oh happy days stood by a brazier warming your hands, chanting "up the workers" and moaning about management. I guess my striking days are over! xxx
