Thursday, July 17, 2008


The other day one of our neighbours knocked on the door.
Nothing particularly strange in that you might think (I don’t even know his name - we’re on “nodding terms” with him but had only actually met him once when he came to one of our exhibitions). He was about to go down to the Council Tip with a car load of rubbish – which included a very dusty, portable (folding) easel – when he suddenly thought “I wonder if number40 might like this?”…. and, of course, we did!
It took us (well Moira!) a little time to dust it down and work how it unfolded, but it’s absolutely lovely!
It’s only a matter of time before I don my panama hat, take the easel down to the harbourside (with the odd blank canvas and a few paintbrushes) and pretend to be a “proper” artist!
How thoughtful! What a nice man!
Photo: easel (in its folded form!).


  1. What a delightful vision you have conjured up for us!

  2. Anonymous10:00 pm

    ah! people's kindness is so special! x
