Saturday, July 05, 2008

ingrid betancourt

Wonderful to see and read about the release of Ingrid Betancourt, after six years of captivity in the Colombian jungle. Amazing to think that her children had become adults since she was captured and it must have been a very strange (but wonderful) experience for all of them when they were finally re-united. I was touched by her quiet dignity as she arrived back in France and her eloquent words of gratitude, as she held out her hand to President Sarkosy.
I couldn’t help thinking “I can’t see Gordon doing this”!
PS: on completely different matters, did you know (off the BBC website) that Nelson Mandela was still on the US terror watch list until this week, or that quarter-finalists at Wimbledon get free tea at the tournament for life?
Oh good grief!


  1. On the grounds that Ingrid Betancourt's release didn't do President Sarkozy's decreasing popularity any harm perhaps Gordon Brown should look for a hostage to rescue!

    Perhaps I'm just an aging cynic but it will be interesting to see whether the President responds to Ingrid's plea for other, less high profile, hostages to be freed.

  2. Agreed!
    ... but ANYTHING to prevent a Tory government. Think it's important that Gordon gets SOMETHING right soon (the timing of his "don't-waste-food" plea coinciding with the multi-course G8 banquet was somewhat naive!).

  3. sorry... no you're not an aging cynic!
