Thursday, July 03, 2008


My great golfing buddies, Ken and Steve, and I went to play golf in 2001 in New York State. We had a wonderful time and played some fantastic courses. We met up with Ken’s University golf coach – who everyone simply calls “Coach” and had a great time together (a really lovely man). Two years later we invited Coach and his son Michael over to play golf in Scotland with us (Prestwick, St Andrew’s, Carnoustie, Gleneagles etc!) to celebrate his 65th birthday. A couple of weeks ago, Ken+Steve made the trip over to California to celebrate Coach’s 70th birthday by playing at the world famous Pebble Beach course (some of us have to work for a living and weren’t able to make it!). Ken’s just sent me this photo of him and Steve toasting my health in red wine (never drink the stuff myself). Below the image were the words: “Ken+Steve toasting their missing mate BigDaddy StevieB”.
Nice thought!
PS: Sadly, I can’t really call myself a golfer these days – four games in just over two years hardly counts!

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