Wednesday, January 16, 2008


A sad day.
The Founder of sent me a very nice e-mail overnight explaining that unfortunately, due to licensing constraints, they can't offer the service to residents outside the USA for the time being - but that they're working on it and will let me know as soon as the situation changes!!
Yes, I admit it (and I’m very sorry, I know I done wrong!!) – I did give them my US Zip Code as a New York hotel that I'd looked up on the internet (I think my UK e-mail address was a bit of a giveaway!)!
I’d been going on about this brilliant music website – it allowed you to create your own “radio stations” with your favourite artists plus new ones that they thought you might like (“if you like x, then you might enjoy this…).
I’ll let you know if the situation changes!
PS: meanwhile, if you know of a similar website, please advise!
PPS: I've since been told that is somewhat similar (I'll try it!).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 pm

    Steve, as someone has already mentioned, try it's pretty good. I too miss pandora but has got a pretty good client that seems to "just work" even here behind UWE's monumental security restrictions!
