Sunday, January 13, 2008

kennett+avon canal

Moira+I were in Bath by just after 9am yesterday.
Despite the awful weather of the last few days, we decided to trust the local weather forecast and get on the train to Bath and walk along the banks of Kennett+Avon canal. We past miles of flooded fields and houses with water threatening their thresholds and feared that our journey would be a complete wash-out! In the event, it was just beautiful.
We walked along the tow path as far as Bathampton in bright sunshine (avoiding bikers+joggers as we did so!) - with stunning views over Bath en route. We then retraced our steps for a mile or so (envying the house boat dwellers) before meandering through the city streets back to the station and home by 2pm.
A really lovely way to start the weekend.
Photos: Saturday morning snaps.

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