Sunday, January 20, 2008

white house race

Came across this interesting (but rather depressing) insight from Justin Webb (BBC’s North America editor) on the US Presidential elections:
And so to the Democrats. Hillary Clinton won (in Nevada) because she won women and she won Latinos. She also won because some voters think - or are persuaded to think - that Senator Obama is a Muslim. This is a fact: I met otherwise well-informed voters in New Hampshire who believed that he refused to be sworn in as a senator with his hand on the Bible. It is out there; it really is. It does not explain the Clinton victories but it adds to them”.
PS: I hadn't previously watched "The West Wing" but good friend Andy has lent me the "Second Season" box set and I'm already up to programme 9! Maybe this explains my renewed fascination with American politics?!


  1. I'm glad someone finds the American elections fascinating. I'm bored already and we have months (years?) to go before the new president finally takes office - and that's only if we don't have to relive the 'chads'(?) fiasco.

    However I do agree that Obama/Muslim issue is worrying. It concerns me that the future of our planet (arguably) is in the hands of people who cannot even get their facts right. But are we (the British) any better?

    If religion and politics were not such taboo subjects of discussion I think we would be a much more enlightened nation.

  2. I'm fascinated by it all but, at the same time, depressed especially by the huge amounts of money involved - if you're not rich, you'll never be president. Surely that can't be right?
    I came across something recently (and I'm blowed if I can lay my hands on it now!) that talked about it being for the leadership of the free world - with the writer saying "hang on, how can that be when I don't even get a vote?"!
    As for politics here in Britain, I keep finding myself feeling disappointed/exasperated by people who I felt were going to change things for the better.

  3. Was it Susan Harwood's blog (Shouting at the Radio)?

  4. That's it! You're a star... (I can sleep soundly now)! thanks.

  5. we best get used to it because this style of politics is coming here - well 'presidential' anyway. frighteningly the majority of usa citizens don't appear to think anything exists, or is important, outside of their own back yard. i have a map on my wall at work entitled 'the american world' and after the stars & stripes of gods own country the rest is labelled such as south america 'cocaine & coffee', greenland 'ice', uk '51st state', europe 'wine perfume spaghetti', middle east 'oil & war', india 'nike factory', far east & china 'microsoft factory', japan 'radioactive area', africa 'empty area' and australia 'big island - hawaii?'.

  6. How are you getting on with The West Wing? I divide friends into 'WW addicts' and 'others'. You're one of us, now...

  7. I'm half way through disc 4.
    I'm trying to bring a little more "CJ" into my role at school - in my dealings with parents, pupils and the "powers-that-be". I'm also working on trying to introduce suitable background music whenever I try to make important, potentially life-changing points to pupils (they still won't listen, but it'll make me feel better). Yes, I'm definitely one of you now!
