Monday, January 21, 2008

“I could have been knitting….”

No, these aren’t words from film critic, Mark Kermode. Moira+I went to see the Coen Brothers’ film “No Country for Old Men” yesterday afternoon and the knitting comment was Moira’s considered verdict on this tough, impressive film of “violence, societal breakdown and masculine madness in the 1980s” (from the Watershed summary blurb) - somewhat different to my memories of 80s, but hey….! I found it compelling, but won’t say any more in case I spoil it for you.
Earlier, we’d spotted Phill Jupitus and Paul Merton (they were at the Watershed for Slapstick 2008) and, on our very wet walk home, Moira came out with the second best quote of the day: “the highlight for me was Paul Merton standing next to us in a baggy jumper talking to a wall” (I assure you, he was actually on his mobile)!
There’s no pleasing some people…..

1 comment:

  1. I would like to assure your readers that the comment about Paul Merton was uttered ironically. (The knitting comment, however, sprang straight from the heart).
