Sunday, December 24, 2006

single status: the mess

You might recall me mentioning “single status in schools” (blog 13/12/06 refers)? Essentially, school support staff (like me) had received a letter from our local education authority outlining its proposals for introducing “single status job evaluation” and concluding with the following threat: “if you have not accepted the offer by the end of the year we will write to you again telling you that your contract will be terminated on 31 March 2007”.
Not surprisingly, lots of people (like me) wrote passionate letters to the Council complaining at its appalling treatment of its dedicated workforce. Suddenly, we hear that the Council had made a basic error in the formula it adopted to formulate its proposals (in the Council’s favour, of course, for EVERY employee under consideration!). Oh, how embarrassing!
We then had verbal confirmation (from our Head Teacher) that the Council’s proposals had been withdrawn and I duly received a four line letter two days ago from the Council in response to my own letter, essentially confirming this and informing me that it would be “reformulating the proposal and implementing Single Status in Schools on 1 September 2007”.
I genuinely feel for the member of staff at the Council who had to break the news to the Chief Executive: “excuse me sir, I think we’ve made a slight error…”.
PS: Fine….. but wait! I received a phone call last night from a work colleague (we undertake exactly the same role for exactly the same salary in the same school) who had just (ie. yesterday 23rd) received a two-page letter telling her that the Council wasn’t going to reformulate the proposal and that if she hadn’t signed up by 21 December (ie. 2 days before she received her letter....oops!), her contract would be terminated on 31 March 2007. Let’s just blame the Christmas post!

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