Saturday, December 23, 2006

losing out to red devils and tigers!

A gloomy weekend of sport for some of us (ie. me!). After Bristol Rugby’s 15-43 thrashing by Leicester Tigers last night (who scored six tries), Villa went down 0-3 at home to Man United this afternoon. Son-in-law Dave (a ManU fanatic) is coming to stay over Christmas and I had hoped, just for once, that my side might have won this time to give me bragging rights – but clearly not!
Things are unlikely to improve in the short-term – Villa are due to play ManU at Old Trafford in the Cup in a fortnight's time. Only recently, I’d been suggesting to friends that 2007 was going to be “Villa’s Year” as it was exactly 50 years since the Villa last won the FA Cup. Don’t hold your breath!

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