Wednesday, January 03, 2024

1,000 paper cranes…

In December 2022, as part of our Golden Wedding Anniversary celebrations, our daughter Ru resolved that she was going to use the coming year to make 1,000 (yes, ONE THOUSAND!) paper cranes on our behalf. According to Japanese tradition/legend(?), such an act can bring a lifetime of happiness or good luck.
People who don’t know Ru might be forgiven for thinking that this was just one of those things people resolve to do… but either just give up or never quite get round to doing. Well, yesterday, Ru delivered her promise (literally)…
We now have 1,000 paper cranes adorning our apartment.
They make a simply stunning, magical sight.
I’ve found the whole experience quite emotional… the time that has gone into this venture; the generosity and love involved; the dedication and determination… and the beauty and size of the final piece.
Quite, quite overwhelming… and very, very lovely.
We are very lucky people. x 
Photo: It’s pretty tricky to photograph 1,000 paper cranes (and impossible to do them justice)… but the attached image provide an impression…

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