Tuesday, June 06, 2023


Our lovely friend has died…
It all happened so quickly.
No time to tell her how much we loved her
And how important she was in our lives.
How wonderful it was that our families bonded
During those formative years for our daughters and for hers.
Their impromptu musical concerts
All the dramatic plays they wrote and performed
(Not to mention the elaborate programmes they drew!).
She was a second mother to all our girls.
The care, the grace, the wisdom that came natural to Ros.
Her love and consideration for others
Her teaching, her citizen’s advice volunteering
Her passion for a more equal society
Her love of nature and her garden
Her glorious art and creativity
Her gentle humour and encouragement of others.
Our wonderful New Year’s Day Walks
Followed by the leftover grub from the pooled holiday fare.
The shared meals and effortless hospitality.
Our daughters have already decided that we need to properly celebrate her life…
With pasta bakes and quilting sessions…
And a concert with all the percussion instruments!
Laughter, joy and smiles.
So many memories… even in this time of grief.
A very special lady who we were all privileged to call a dear, dear friend.

Photo: from New Year's Day Walk, 1988(?)

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