Tuesday, February 14, 2023

cricket, lovely cricket…

The cricket season starts in two months’ time (13 April)... and, yes, it's that time of the year for my annual moan about the game!
Gloucestershire are my ‘home’ side (just a short bus-ride away and, thanks to my bus pass, free) and, despite the fact that they were relegated to Division Two last year, I’d still like to attend as many of their 2023 home County Championship games as I can… afterall, this is the format most readily associated with Test Cricket.
“You need to become a member then”, I hear you say.
Basic membership at Gloucestershire costs £256. It includes the five home 4-day County games played in Bristol; attendance at all the home T20 Vitality Blast matches; the home one-day cup matches; and two 4-day games at Cheltenham.
The trouble is that I ONLY want to attend the 4-day games in Bristol.
In reality, the County Championship season is reduced to a mere FIVE games in Bristol (I KNOW!)… three of them take place in ‘balmy’ April and May; one in June; and the final one in the middle of September)… July and August are reserved for bish-bosh cricket (and, of course, 'The Hundred' - which takes up most of August, but doesn't happen in Bristol).
Whatever happened to our so-called ‘Summer Game’?
Last year, I wrote to the club secretary and asked if there were any reduced rates for people like me. Well, it seems they HAD considered it, but decided not to bother.
Daily attendance at Championship games is pathetically poor at Bristol – maybe 200-250 mid-week. Perhaps it would make more sense for the Club to waive entry fees altogether for Championship games? 
Controversial? Foolhardy? Revolutionary? Sensible?
Answers on a postcard…
Think I might just concentrate on watching cricket at Bedminster CC for free instead!


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