Sunday, November 27, 2022

daily advent reflections…

With some trepidation, I’ve agreed to be part of an Advent project (I know!)…
Today marks the first day of another season of Advent.
It also marks the beginning of a daily collaboration with some blogging friends, in which we will be sharing a post each day over our different platforms.
These will include:
Chris Goan: good friend, poet, writer, thinker, cricketer, maker etc. This is his rather wonderful blog:
Graham Peacock: pantomime dame, chaplain, former methodist minister, terrible cricketer, who has this eclectic, thoughtful blog:
And me: (I won’t be trying to compete with eloquence of the others – my contributions will tend to be visual, with just a few accompanying words).
We would love you to come with us on the journey. The simplest way to do this is to subscribe to one of the blogs, and then you should get a daily notification (you can always unsubscribe later!) Otherwise, you can interact with the posts via the usual social media platforms (in my case, facebook). A few shares and likes will help us make connections too...
Our intention is to move forward with hope, savouring questions and having no fear of doubt. We live in darkness but look towards light.
I’m unsure how things will evolve… no doubt there’ll be some errors and frustrations with the technology (speaking personally!) along the way, but just bear with us and share the ride. 

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