Wednesday, October 05, 2022

ricky ross at st george’s again…

Last night my good friend Maria and I attended a wonderful concert at St George’s given by Ricky Ross. It’s been five years since I went to his last concert at this lovely venue.
Previously, I recall blogging that “when I grow up, I want to be a singer/songwriter and play a grand piano… just like Ricky Ross”. Well, I feel exactly the same way(!)… nothing changes (except that I’ve got older)!
He performed his songs, unaccompanied, for nearly an hour and a half – just him and St George’s wonderful grand piano (and a couple of songs on guitar) plus him reading extracts from his book “Walking Back Home”. Obviously(!), I queued with perhaps another 70 people at the end of the concert and obtained my autographed copy and exchanged a few words with him (this morning, he’s probably telling all his friends that he actually shook my hand!).
The concert was simply brilliant.
I just love the sound of a single voice and a piano together. I’ve been listening to a lot of Ross’s music again over recent weeks (his “Short Stories, Volume 1” and “Short Stories Volume 2” formed the basis of the concert) and, for me, Ross certainly has a way of capturing profound, evocative, sad, uplifting, powerful emotions in his words and music.
It was a truly uplifting evening and a thankful reminder that there ARE some positives in the world, despite all the other depressing stuff.
Photos from the concert. 

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