Thursday, October 06, 2022

leg club… (really?)

This morning, I attended my first session of ‘Leg Club’ (yes, I know it sounds vaguely like ‘Fight Club’, but I can assure you it’s VERY different!).
It’s an initiative run by seven GP surgeries in Bristol which focusses solely on ‘leg care’. After struggling with varicose veins and leg ulcer issues over the past several years, I KNOW that the level of expertise among GPs and Practice Nurses is somewhat ‘theoretical’ at best (I certainly haven’t found it effective).
This is a weekly clinic for people who’ve been referred to the clinic by their doctors. Patients commit themselves to attend each week; everyone sits in the same large room and is seen in turn by a team of five(?) nurses, a co-ordinator plus three volunteers. I think there were probably 20-25 patients seen during the morning session.
My initial reaction, when I was first told that I’d been registered, was “What a ridiculous name!” but, by the end of the morning, I ‘got’ why it was called a Club rather than a clinic. Volunteers hand out teas and coffees to those waiting to be seen and patients (some of whom have clearly got to know each other over their weeks/months of attendance) chat casually and compare notes.
I think the clinic is the brainchild of the Lead Nurse - who clearly recognised the frustrations and the inadequacies of the ‘old’ system (and who clearly had gained knowledge and experience through her own years of practice). She checks every patient and discusses individual treatments with one of the nursing team. I found it hugely reassuring to feel that I was in the hands of people who really knew their roles and knew what treatment was appropriate.
Believe me, after struggling over the past 4-5 years, this felt like a massive step forward.
It all felt so encouraging. I was greeted by the team co-ordinator (with a smile, I hasten to add!) who explained how the clinic was run and what to expect (and she handed me some really useful additional explanatory notes). I was required to attend EVERY week until my ulcers had cleared up… “and, rest assured, we WILL get you sorted out!” I was told.
Today, I was given an ultrasound leg scan (also referred to as an arterial Doppler) to establish/clarify how my treatment should be processed and then a senior nurse examined my foot ulcers and then applied lotions/creams and compression therapy (in the form of liner and over ‘stockings’) - plus I was given a special plastic sock to enable me to shower etc. I was also given firm instructions to keep the stockings on 24/7, then to attend next week’s session so they can check on progress and renew the dressings. Firm, no nonsense instructions (and encouragement).
My attendance at the clinic was a hugely positive and humbling experience.
Yes, it made me realise how comparatively fortunate I was compared with a lot of the patients but, primarily, I was in awe of the nurses as they knelt on the floor to bathe wounds and administer dressings to the individual patients - and they did it all with humanity, gentleness and encouragement. Dedication. Serving others. As I say, very humbling.
I might moan about the ‘challenges’ of booking a doctor’s appointment but, for the most part:
Photo: Oh, and the Lead Nurse makes delicious cakes (how do these wonderful people make time for cake-making?) and I was duly given two cakes to take home… I ‘tried’ to decline, but failed pitifully (they were very lovely)!

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