Wednesday, August 03, 2022

bristol pilgrimage… again

If you’re ever on the beautiful island of Iona, the weekly pilgrimage walk around the island is an experience not to be missed.
During the course of my 8-week stay there as a volunteer with the Iona Community in 2012, I bought Jane Bentley+Neil Paynter’s really excellent book “Around A Thin Place” (an Iona pilgrimage guide) and, as well as using it when I was on Iona, I have subsequently used it as a resource for my own Bristol pilgrimage version on four previous occasions – but (I see from my previous blog posts) that the last time was back in 2017.
Yesterday, I decided to undertake a fifth ‘pilgrimage’ journey around Bristol… in part as a practical response(?) to my ongoing journey through what has become something of a ‘spiritual wilderness’.
This time, I divided my route into eight sections or stops… pausing for reflections taken from the book, together with my own deliberations. Each time I’ve done this, I’ve used a completely different set of locations but, unlike on my previous walks, the weather was disappointingly bleak (very light rain for virtually all of the walk) - duly illustrated by my poor-quality photographs – but nevertheless strangely refreshing.
As before (perhaps bizarrely), I related my stopping points with pilgrimage stops on Iona:
St Martin’s Cross/setting out on the road was the Cathedral; The Crossroads was the area around Broken Dock (adjacent footpaths/roads/ferries/river); St Columba’s Bay was the stretch of the River Avon beyond the Plimsoll Swingbridge; the Marble Quarry was Leigh Woods/Rownham Hill Wood; Dun I/High Point was the Clifton Suspension Bridge; The Machair was Clifton Village; Hermit’s Cell was Bird Cage Walk; and St Oran’s Chapel/Reilig Odhrain was Brandon Hill.
I really enjoyed making my pilgrimage walk again – and especially as it was the first since we moved from Southville (and therefore took on a somewhat different character). I was also reminded how much I’ve valued the wise, thought-provoking reflections contained in the ‘Thin Place’ book. It also reminded me that I perhaps need to start re-using daily readings and meditations from the Iona Community again (I have several books on my shelves).
An enjoyable and fulfilling morning.
Photos: rather ‘watery’ photographs from my ‘pilgrimage’.

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