Sunday, December 05, 2021

three cane whale at st george’s…

Last night, I went to the Three Cane Whale concert at St George’s, Bristol. I think this was something like the seventh time I’ve seen them perform (but who’s counting?). They’re an extraordinary, ridiculously-talented group of musicians (Alex Vann, Pete Judge and Paul Bradley) … last night, they played some 14 different musical instruments between them!
After missing out on their regular pre-Christmas concert at St George’s last year, due to the pandemic, it was lovely to have them ‘back’ last night. A lot of their music is associated with ‘place’; they’ve recorded a number of their pieces ‘on location’ – in barns and old chapels… but also on hillsides – which seemed to fit in perfectly with many people’s pandemic experiences and the need to reconnect with nature.
It proved to be a wonderful, mesmerising, uplifting evening in a perfect venue… joyous, intricate, poignant and magical music. 
An occasion to gladden the hearts and to remind us about some of the ‘good stuff’ out there in these difficult times of continuing uncertainty, political sleaze, selfishness, greed, climate crisis and the increasing gap between the haves and the have-nots.
PS: The support ‘band’ was pretty amazing too! ‘Eleven Magpies’ – a perfect foil to the ‘main act’!
Photo: ‘Three Cane Whale’ plus ‘Eleven Magpies’ at last night’s concert. 

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