Saturday, July 04, 2020

covid-19: social distancing and other matters…

Today (4 July) sees a change in ‘guidance rules’ for the general public from the government – a relaxation of many of the ‘rules’ (the list is quite extensive).
I don’t envy the government in these difficult times… but I’m very critical of the mixed messages they’re constantly giving out.
There was yet another example of this just yesterday: an exasperated Wales’ First Minister, Mark Drayford, said this in connection with the government’s plans to lift travel restrictions: "Dealing with the UK Government over the last few days has been an utterly shambolic experience. If ever there was an example of making an announcement first and then trying to work out what you meant by it - that is what we have seen since this announcement was first trailed in the press...”.
There have been several such examples.

As far as ‘social distancing’ is concerned, we've all become used keeping a minimum of two metres apart, but the Prime Minister recently announced a relaxation of social distancing rules (due to come into force in England from TODAY) as part of the “next phase of the country's fight against coronavirus”. The new rules encourage members of the public to remain two metres apart "where possible" or "one metre plus" elsewhere. For the life of me, I’m really not sure what this actually means in practice… so I decided to check on the government’s website – and, yes, it contained these very same words… but then it added this somewhat ‘strange’ rider: “Please stay two metres from anyone you meet who you don’t live with”.
I suspect, especially for the young (if they ever bother to read such things), this essentially will be interpreted as “all bets are off, we can do whatever we like”.
I checked out another government website link (dealing with “staying safe outside your home”). This informed me: “The government recommends that you keep two metres away from people as a precaution or one metre when you can mitigate the risk by taking other precautions in this list”… the list include such things as avoiding being face-to-face with people outside your household; keeping hands+face clean; avoiding crowded spaces; using face coverings on public transport or in hospitals; avoiding “shouting or singing close to people outside your household”(!); and advice when at work or in business or public premises.
Two metres or not two metres? That is the question.
I’m still confused.
You might recall that it was only a few days ago Mr Johnson was in almost celebratory mood - telling us all it was “back to business”… indeed HM Treasurer almost issued a party invitation to all and sundry with its tweeted message: “Grab a drink and raise a glass, pubs are re-opening their doors from 4 July” (which, of course, it subsequently felt it had to delete). Since then we’ve had Mr Johnson giving a rather more sober message of “we’re not out of the woods yet, let’s not blow it”. It almost feels like an after-thought designed in such a way that, if it all goes wrong and there is a ‘second wave’ or a series of ‘spikes’, he’ll be able to say: “well, I did warn you”… and blame EVERYTHING on the British public!

Moira and I have been self-isolating for more than 15 weeks now.
We’ve been taking coronavirus precautions very seriously and decided from the outset that we would avoid shopping and the like (ie. avoiding people!), that we would maintain 2 metre social distancing, but that we WOULD endeavour to get out and walk every day (for both our physical fitness and our mental health)(still, as far as possible, avoiding people).
For me, most of today's rule changes don’t apply. I’ve been designated as “clinically extremely vulnerable” and so, basically, until 1 August, I need to continue as before. From that date, I’ve been told (by letter from Health Secretary “Matt” – that’s how he signed it!) that I will be able to go to work (as long the business is “COVID-safe”); that I can go outside to buy food and exercise (but need to “maintain strict social distancing”); but that I should remain cautious as I’m still at risk of severe illness if I catch coronavirus, so I should stay at home where possible and, if I do go out, I need to “follow strict social distancing”.
Ah, but is that two metres or “one metre plus” social distancing, Matt?
Rest assured, for the foreseeable at least, I’m sticking to two metre social distancing – whatever the government tells me.

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