Friday, December 06, 2019

three cane whale at st george's (again)...

Last night, I went to the Three Cane Whale concert at St George’s, Bristol. It must be perhaps the sixth time I’ve seen them perform and they really are an extraordinary, ridiculously-talented group of musicians (and very nice blokes too).
Their music is difficult to categorise (well, for a non-music person like me)… Bristol 24/7 described them thus: ‘their delicate acoustic constructions combine ancient folk and contemporary classical ideas to weave an entirely original new musical tradition‘… which seems to sum it up perfectly. They often like to associate their music with ‘Place’ and have recorded a number of their pieces ‘on location’ – in barns, old chapels, on hillsides and even next to main roads (A303 being one example!).
The three musicians (Alex Vann, Pete Judge and Paul Bradley) play an incredible, eclectic range of instruments, including: mandolin, bowed psaltery, bouzouki, zither, banjo, dulcimer, trumpet, cornet, dulcitone, harmonium, lyre, glockenspiel, tenor horn, acoustic guitar and miniature harp(!).
It proved to be a wonderful, magical, uplifting evening in a perfect venue… and believe me, at the present time (with Brexit, General Elections and Trump in full swing), it was something I – and probably quite a few others in the audience - desperately needed.
PS: The support ‘band’ were pretty amazing too! Methera (on their FB page, Three Cane Whale describe them as a ‘contemporary traditional’ string quartet)(fiddle, fiddle, viola and cello). Talented and joyful!
Photo: Three Cane Whale ‘in action’ last night.

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