Saturday, August 31, 2019

magic money tree?

Mr Johnson has just announced that schools in England are to be given over £7 billion more in spending over the next three years. That’s brilliant news. Many of us have been pressing for extra funding for education over recent years and, suddenly, it’s actually going to happen.

Mr Johnson has also pledged nearly £2 billion for hospitals.
Mr Johnson has also indicated that over £1 billion will be allocated to provide extra police officers.
Mr Johnson has also promised some £2.5 billion for extra prison places.
Mr Johnson has also pledged funds for “fantastic new road and rail infrastructure and full-fibre broadband” (the cost for these is somewhat vague – figures of up to £40 billion have been cited).
Mr Johnson has pledged £300m of new funding for the expansion of Growth Deals across Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Mr Johnson has allocated an extra £2.1 billion in the event of a no-deal Brexit (on top of the £4.2 billion already ‘set aside’).
Mr Johnson is also going to REDUCE taxes (by raising income tax thresholds).

Do you get a nagging feeling that Mr Johnson might be preparing for a General Election?
Call me politically and financially naïve (and I’d be the first to accept that this might well be the case!), but how is all of this going to be paid for?
Is there a Magic Money Tree?
Or is Mr Johnson simply relying on squirming out of paying the £39 billion EU divorce bill previously agreed and accepted by Mrs May’s government… because he doesn’t think this would apply in the event of a no-deal Brexit?
Asking for a friend…

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