Sunday, March 31, 2019

“alexa… please stop brexit”… (placard at last week’s march)

So, another week of frustration ahead in Westminster… and that’s just for the politicians (obviously, they’re so focussed on Party Politics that what might be best for the nation or their constituents seems to come quite a long way down the list)!
I genuinely fear a ‘No Deal’ at the end of all this.
What an utter disaster that would be...

Back in December, I blogged: “After a week of utter chaos at Westminster and a time when confidence in UK politicians appears to have hit an all-time low (in my lifetime, at least?), we’re left with an apparent choice between Mrs May’s ‘deal’ with the EU or ‘no deal’”.
In January, I blogged: “It’s almost as though the powers-that-be are running down the clock to ensure that we end up with an ‘acceptable deal’ that is only marginally less disastrous than a ‘no-deal’”.
Interesting (and worrying) reading Margaret Beckett’s thoughts in today’s ‘Observer’: “The more I look and listen to this woman (the prime minister) the more I think she’s capable of doing literally what she says, driving us right to the last minute, and then saying ‘it is my deal or no deal’… I have become increasingly worried that the house could decide something which is so far away from what people thought they were getting when they voted to leave that it could cause serious ructions. Some very strong Leavers say they don’t think people should have a second opportunity to be consulted because they might have changed their minds. That seems to me to be incredibly dangerous as well as completely indefensible.”

With the country in absolute despair, there are those (including the Labour Party, obviously) urging Mrs May to call a General Election. Of course (but what do I know?!), it won’t happen because the Tories fear it would merely expose the HUGE splits amongst its ‘party faithful’ (as if people weren’t aware already!!)… and they’d lose the election (although, with the UK electorate, who knows?). Of course, they wouldn’t admit such things… instead, they would maintain that an election would exacerbate the Brexit crisis and that, for this reason, it wouldn’t be in the best interests of the nation!!
Oh, thank you, thank you, oh wise ones!
I frankly don’t think that parliament (especially with the DUP ridiculously ‘calling the shots’) will be able to agree to ANY compromise deal within the required timeframe (and this after very nearly 3 years!)… and, although those annoying ERG oiks will pretend to shake their heads in quiet despair, they’ll actually be punching the air with glee… because a) the option of a second referendum will have been ‘kicked into touch’, b) remaining in the EU won’t happen and c) they can start making plans for ruling their increasingly small empires… and us.
Photo: Mrs May signing the Article 50 letter, March 2017

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