Friday, January 04, 2019

the favourite...

Moira and I went along to the Watershed this afternoon to see our first film of the New Year, Yorgos Lanthimos’s “The Favourite”. At the end of it, Moira – not a person noted for her over-the-top reaction to cinematic entertainment – summed up her reaction to the film in just one word: “extraordinary”!
And it WAS… simply extraordinary!
The film is set in England in the early 18th century. Queen Anne is on the throne. The country is at war with France. Land taxes will either need to be doubled to fund the war or else perhaps a peace treaty will have to be signed to ‘save money and lives’? Decisions made on a whim or based on the latest piece of speculation or perceived personal advantage for the political figures (a bit like Brexit perhaps?!). I’d be the first to admit that my knowledge of Queen Anne’s reign is somewhat sketchy(!) but, in the film, Anne (brilliantly played by Olivia Colman) is portrayed as an unconfident, overweight, gout-riddled ruler who ultimately relies on the advice of her friend (and lover) Lady Sarah Churchill (wonderfully played by Rachel Weiz) – who effectively runs EVERYTHING (including serving as the Queen’s proxy in parliament). Into this rather ridiculous enclave comes Abigail Masham (superbly played by Emma Stone), Lady Sarah’s cousin who has ‘fallen far’ and now seeks employment in the royal household.
The film is dark, bawdy, outrageous, extravagant, strange… and, frequently, very funny. The sets, the make-up, the over-the-top costumes, the soundtrack are all remarkable and slightly weird. There is duck and lobster racing, pet bunnies and lots of silly dancing!! There is also, as the film title suggests, a question of favouritism… with Lady Sarah and Abigail competing for the Queen’s affections (literally) and influence.
The three female actors are all simply brilliant – with Olivia Colman utterly outstanding (Best Actor Oscar?)… and you get the feeling that all the principal actors had an absolutely hilarious time playing their respective characters.
It’s an unsettling and hugely entertaining film… and you definitely need to see it. Extraordinary indeed!

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