Saturday, January 26, 2019

“a nation’s self-respect hangs by a thread as high noon looms”…

It’s just 62 days until 29 March (Brexit leave date).
Just to give you an idea of how time flies (really?), it’s now 53 days since Mrs May opened the debate of her Brexit ‘deal’ on 4 December. It seems to me that not much, if any, ‘progress’ has been made over the past 7 weeks or so and, I don’t know about you, but it seems that anything to do with Brexit has been happening ‘under the radar’ over the past week or so.
It’s almost as though the powers-that-be are running down the clock to ensure that we end up with an ‘acceptable deal’ that is only marginally less disastrous than a ‘no-deal’.
But what do I know? I’m no politician… and there are frequently times, these days, when I feel completely perplexed, lost and hopeless.
But don’t worry, rest assured that some of our politicians are well and truly focused. For example, we hear that Mr Johnson was given a £10,000 ‘donation’ by JCB this week before his Brexit speech in front of a digger (and just happened to mention the company several times)… and ‘poor’ old Mr Davis (former Brexit secretary) has secured a £60,000 20-hour-a-YEAR gig (that’s an HOURLY rate of just £3,000!) to ‘advise’ that very same JCB organisation.

Meanwhile, MPs continue to squabble about the important things in life… I refer you to this from journalist Marina Hyde in today’s Guardian:   
"Quote of the Week must still go to Nadine Dorries, who went on telly to express contempt for Brexit-cautious MPs ‘who really don’t care about their careers going up in flames’. Did the erstwhile gobbler of kangaroo testicles just say that out loud? To hear Nadine speak at the best of times feels like intruding on private stupidity, but even by her standards, this is eye-catching from the member for Mid-Bedfordshire. It can’t really be that Nadine should have been in parliament for almost 14 years without anyone informing her that politicians are in fact SUPPOSED to act out of a higher sense of duty than personal career advancement”.
Obviously, I’ll look back at this post in a couple of month’s time and think: “What on earth was I worried about?”… then again.
PS: Will there be an Article 50 extension? Will a decision be taken to allow a “People’s Vote”? Will the Villa be relegated?

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