Sunday, September 23, 2018

five complete days away from it all…

Somewhat remarkably, I’ve just spent five utterly Trump-free days in Cornwall!
I’ve spent five complete days of hearing/reading nothing at all about Brexit or about the government’s inept attempts to run the country (or, perhaps even more worrying, witnessing the shenanigans of those who see themselves as the next Prime Minister).
For the past five days*, I have also gone without lots of the things that many people would regard as ‘essential’ in order to sustain ‘civilised’ life, including:
1.    No internet
2.    No television
3.    No radio
4.    No facebook
5.    No emails
6.    No phonecalls
7.    No music (apart from humming to myself)
8.    No newspapers (I’d originally planned to buy myself a daily paper but, in the end, decided not to bother)
9.    No news, no media, no sport updates etc etc (if the world was coming to an end, Moira would have told me… probably?).

I wasn’t attempting to prove anything to myself by this self-imposed regime (I could have accessed all of the above, if I’d really wanted)… but it was a strangely liberating experience. I don’t own a smart phone (my mobile is VERY basic!) and so have never been one of those people who, it seems, spend much of their waking hours staring at a tiny screen…
The whole experience has made me even more aware of how self-contained (some would perhaps describe it as ‘potentially reclusive’!) my life has become.
Simple pleasures… gentle rhythm of life.
PS: *actually, we were away for 7 days, but two of those were partially spent travelling… and reading newspapers!)
Photo: breakfast at Porthmeor Beach Café, overlooking the Atlantic… as you do.

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