Friday, January 22, 2016

three cane whale at st george’s (again)…

My name is Steve Broadway, I’m very nearly 67 years old… and I’m a groupie.
Well, this isn’t QUITE true, but I do admit to having a great love for Three Cane Whale’s music.I have all three of their albums (together with Paul Bradley’s wonderful, solo album) – I’d even received their latest album for Christmas, even though last night's concert at St George’s, Bristol was its official launch!
I went along to their concert with Ruth+Stu and it proved to be another wonderful musical feast. I won’t repeat stuff that I’ve previously blogged about their music (you could click here and here to do that!)… and, if you’ve not heard of them then I suggest you check out their website to listen to some of their music.
This is what Folk Radio (no, I’d never heard of them either) said of them: ‘The kind of album that, once the secret is revealed, the listener will want to share, to compel their friends to listen, to explore. This album can be full of mirth or solemn, it can be as fresh and open as a deep blanket of snow, or as full of texture, colour and chaos as a pile of autumn leaves the moment the wind hits. Five stars’.
Well, that just about sums up my sentiments!
I love listening to their music; I always find that it lifts my spirits (rather corny words like “joyful” and “uplifting” come to mind, but I think they’re accurate)… I love its intricate, quirky and captivating beauty. I love that each of their songs has references to ancient places… or to places of their past… or to poems… or to friends (and that they frequently record their music in quirky places such as allotments, ancient chapels, motorway flyovers, open countryside and the like!).
Another truly magical evening.
Photo: Three Cane Whale from last night’s concert (joined here by James Gow, cello, and Maarja Nuut, violin)… yes, we were sitting in the front row!
Footnote: There was one other massive bonus to last night’s concert: Maarja Nuut.
Normally, I find that “supporting artists” at these concerts are all usually pretty good… but, frankly, I’m just waiting for the “proper act” to start. Well, last night was different. Maarja Nuut is a fiddler and singer from Northern Estonia… and for an hour she completely entranced the audience with her voice, her instrument (+modern electronics) and her stories. Absolutely delightful. If you get a chance to see/hear her, grab it!

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