Sunday, December 01, 2013

gavin osborn

Went to see and hear the brilliant Gavin Osborn play a free concert in the Colston Hall foyer last night. It’s ridiculous that he’s not playing to much larger audiences as he’s SO talented. Daughter Hannah gave me his CD, “Come On Folks, Settle Down”, about a year ago (she designed the CD cover!) and I absolutely love it… and play it constantly. His music is both poignant and amusing and deals with some of the little (and important) things in life.
Among my favourite songs are: “Finding Time”, “An Orchestrated Break Up” or “The World Is At Your Feet, Little Man”… but, as an aging hippie myself(?), I particularly like “Albert Went Out To See Rock Bands” (Albert is the 77 year-old hero of the song!). It always makes me smile…
His CD would make a wonderful Christmas present!
Photo: Gavin at the Colston Hall foyer last night

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