Thursday, October 31, 2013

the curse of the activity monitor?

I’m never ill… well, not until this past week, that was.
Over the past few days, I’ve been feeling distinctly under-par and have even resorted to spending several daylight hours in my bed (I know!).
This has all coincided with me agreeing to wear one of BioBank’s (I’m one of many volunteers helping them to “improve the health of future generations”) activity monitors for a week - starting last Wednesday. I’m normally pretty active and consider myself to be reasonably fit (perhaps debatable with my gammy hip!?), so my sudden decline in health does seem a little mystifying.
The BioBank people will no doubt be thinking they’re dealing with a couch potato… and will be urging me to do more exercise!
Could it be down to the “curse of activity monitor”, I wonder?
Well, who knows (only kidding!)… BUT, yesterday was my last “monitor day” and the gadget is now being posted back to those lovely people at BioBank… and , do you know, I’m feeling as if I’m actually getting back to full health!
Photo: the aforementioned activity monitor…
PS: the mystery deepens… could the activity monitor affect laptops, I ask myself? During the course of the BioBank monitoring week, my laptop also died (now recovered, thankfully)… unconnected, obviously!

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