Monday, June 24, 2013

midsummer night’s dreaming

Across midsummer weekend (21–23 June) the Royal Shakespeare Company put on a unique performance of “Midsummer Night’s Dream” - directed by Artistic Director Gregory Doran and working in partnership with Google Creative Lab to provide a one-off theatre project in real time and viewable via the internet.
Hannah’s husband Felix was one of a number of actors invited back to the RSC to perform the play (with just a week’s rehearsal time!) and so Hannah, Ursula, Moira+I went to Stratford yesterday to watch some of the action. Felix played the part of “Snug” (one of the “Mechanicals”).
Obviously, much of the action took place out of doors and, this being midsummer in England, account needed to be taken of a certain amount of inclement weather! We attended some of yesterday afternoon’s rehearsals and “wedding events”.
A lovely, happy, relaxed atmosphere and a very enjoyable day.
Photo: Felix (the lion!) and some the other “Mechanicals” plus Google cameraman and props person… you can see other rehearsal images here (including one where the prompter is sheltering through the action under an umbrella!).
PS: as well as being able to watch the play “in real time” over the course of the weekend, hopefully, there will be an audio of the performance available in due course via this link.

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